
CryptoNote Technology

An open-source technology and concepts for the cryptocurrencies of the future

In a world of mass surveillance develops and promotes new approaches to further decentralize and emancipate the cryptocurrencies. uses advanced mathematical analysis and innovative ideas for empowerment end users with true confidentiality, financial and personal.



Untraceable payments

CryptoNote provides users with a completely anonymous payment scheme. CryptoNote implements the ring signature technology which allows you to sign a message on behalf of a group. The signature only proves the message was created by someone from the group, but all the possible signers are indistinguishable from each other.

Unlinkable transactions

Even if outgoing transactions are untraceable, everyone may still be able to see the payments you have received and thus determine your income. However, by using a variation of the Diffie-Hellman exchange protocol, a receiver has multiple unique one-time addresses derived from his single public key. After funds are sent to these addresses they can only be redeemed by the receiver; and it would be impossible to cross-link these payments.

Double-spending proof

Nobody is able to spend the same money twice — even if all his signatures are anonymous. Every signature contains a key image — a kind of fingerprint of the secret key. It is based on a one-way cryptographic function; this implies that given only the key image it is impossible to restore the corresponding secret key. These key images are used to prevent double-spending.


CryptoNote Phylosophy

CryptoNote is the technology that allows the creation of completely anonymous egalitarian cryptocurrencies. A number of our community members have been focused on research and development for more than a decade. We aim to promote the derived principles to influence the contemporary economic paradigm.

The current power distribution on our planet is the legacy of the world where the economy is controlled by the few. The status quo was shaped throughout centuries, making human beings engage in rat races, detrimental rivalry, and bloodshed. In spite of humanity's hope to overcome local crises through education and internationalization, we still fail to have full control over our lives.

However, state-of-the-art advancements in technology, mathematics, and cryptography may become the key to subvert this paradigm. The advent of cryptocurrencies is the first sign that the new world is coming. It is marked with a hope that the economy will interlace with the technology, that communities will set new transparent principles, and impartial cryptographic algorithms will control its implementation.

It is in our philosophy to encourage enlightenment through breakthrough innovations. Emancipation begins with laymen getting access to financial resources that will give the oppressed the hope for quality education, drinking water, and a better life. CryptoNote is not about creating yet another digital currency. It is the mindset and concepts that represent the first small step to regain the power over ourselves in order to live peacefully and prosper.